Monday, February 13, 2017

Valentine's Table, Rockville, Utah, 13 Feb 2017

Bern had set up a long folding table
Full of arts-and-crafts supplies
In her family room on the Robb Creek Bridge
Road in the middle of Rockville. Daughter
And body went over on a Sunday afternoon
To spend an hour or two hand-making
Valentine's Day cards. Colter the Irish Setter
Supervised, big head under the table,
Tail whapping our legs on patrol. Grey
Day, dour talk of presidencies and politics,
Pretty, silly cartoon hearts and scissors,
Purple glue and paper flowers. Daughter
Made a card for her kindergarten teacher.
Body made a card for calendrical time.
We talked about Australia, about Outback,
About Darwin and crocodiles and the other
Side of the world. There was, we knew,
No other side extant, only the sides we knew
And the side we'd never know, whence
All our loves and conversations had to go.

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