Thursday, September 22, 2016

Creative Writing Exercise, Dixie Campus, 22 September 2016

Four puppeteers from Las Vegas rented your house for the summer.
You came home after three months to discover
Things mostly clean and tidy, but the following
Odd artifacts scattered around, under the bed,
Behind the couch, in the backs of kitchen drawers:
A nightshade, half a dozen unused maxi pads, 
Three cookie trays coated in blue paint, an unmarked pill bottle,
Empty, a woman's black undergarment, a man's black undergarment,
A paintball gun in the garage, a realtor's sign in the shed,
A cracked picture frame that used to hold a whimsical drawing
Of small animals wearing fairy masks, gone.
Write a story combining all these artifacts in the narrative.
Make it a study of character, not an exercise in plot.
Use realistic dialogue. Be unreliable yourself.

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