Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Cat Gossip on the Way to School, 12 December 2016

One of the girls carpooling to grade school related to me
In detail the history of the pet and feral cats in her neighborhood,
While the other girls talked about cartoon characters in the back.
There were the kittens weaned too early, the outdoor cats consumed
By viruses, worms, or foxes. There were cats of poor toilet behaviors,
Several incestuous litters, and much uncertainty about paternity,
Plus enough orphans for some uncertain maternity as well,
Despite the many castrations, spayings, and frequent house arrests.
There were good cats and mean cats, cats that were sweet, pathetic, and scratched.
The girl was thorough. She named names. Cute, no? The human
Habit of gossip might seem absurd layered onto the ravenous habits
Of cats, as trapped in their wordless felinity as we in our languages, but
Names, morals, and confabulations are physical and ravenous, too.
Inevitable and unreal are all living and dying, once you're living in this world.

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