Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Good Night, Mrs. Nast, and Thanks, Wherever You Are, 27 December 2016

The hooks of shame can find no purchase in this lad with the trick shoes.
The Slavic stewardess, survivor of a 33,000 foot fall, dies. The after life
Of the afterlife amounts to forty-four years. The life before
The after life is everything and forever and is nothing much
Fretting about being never. Advice for the dying: ignore
Advice from the dying. Or for the dying. None of it comes from anyone
With any prior experience of being dead. Yes, smiles the world,
I'm beautiful. I'm exquisite. Look at me all you want, but what
Do you think you're going to do? There is no morally
Superior place in this world. There is no superior place
In this world. There is no place. And I say to myself,
What a wonderful world. Wish I had less to say. I shall.
But you know the corollary. Or you would, but you're gone.
You're right: we were wrong. This is not the world. The world's past the fall.

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