Sunday, January 8, 2017

Catasterism, Great White Throne Viewpoint, Utah, 8 January 2017

If you did pretty good as a god, you could get
Your name on a pattern of stars--the story before
The constellation, cart before the Pegasus. Of course,
If you were a god, good or bad, you were the story,
Nothing but. Not a god yet? Become one. Cease
Existing. Come on in to nothing. The water's fine,
So fine you'll never notice it never noticing you.
Don't forget to leave a name and a story behind.
Or do. Do forget. Why add to the stock of dreams
For a dreaming species to which you once belonged?
It's a pity the body has to resist your departure, a pity
You can't, without causing more suffering, just go. You
Were one of a tribe evolved to study the world, the way
All things embrace and resist the way things are, one
With itself and struggling, this world that could produce
Brains soaked in gods and causes, the documentarians
Of the world's own fecund self-resistance, someone who could
Love a good scene, a good story, a good song, who could
Imagine sea serpents and hunters in the heavens, who could,
Of life consuming life, death under the water, write, "The great 
Snail's proboscis was stuck into a black sea urchin whose guts 
It was slowly rasping away. The sea urchin's spines waved a last, 
Futile defense but its systems were failing fast." That disaster,
That catastrophe, that ordinary piece of dying to satisfy hunger,
Put that in a story, a god, in the stars. Put yourself away,
Your guts, your failing systems, your futile defenses. You are
Worthy of becoming forgotten, far under, 
Far from the wordy stars.

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