Saturday, January 14, 2017

Zion Lodge Lawn, Utah, 14 January 2017

Observations granular to the scholar were general
To the microbes composing and composting scholar's gut.
With all its variability like clouds and such, the Earth
Was a bad calibration target for the human telescope
Orbiting Mars, but it made a pretty picture. The scale
From brightly colored bit of blob seen from the red planet
To the teeming competition, teams included, of the myriad
Bacteria in a single mammal's gut only contained
A tiny slice of the scale of the cosmos. The magical body
Hosting a set of synchronized will-o'-the-wisp selves
Pulsing like Smoky Mountain fireflies, turned on itself
To consider coordination, cooperation, and the myth
Of a truer perspective. Truth is, at every known angle,
Alternative perspectives in both dimensions, larger and smaller,
Echo away. Vertigo plagued all attempts at lofty views
Equally. That's the clue. The perspective never
Really changes, never really changed. The daughter
Spinning rainbow ribbon, calling her companions "ninny,"
Was as elevated and as infinitesimal as the cliffs around the lawn,
The ants herding hemipterans in the winter grass. What
Does it mean that your madness and your sanity were
Equally scale invariant while yielding such opposite joys?

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