Saturday, May 20, 2017

Camp Cafe, Silverton, Slocanada, 20 May 2017

It was a race to discover who would fall apart
First, body, self or world. The winner earned
A soul, an actual soul. Meantime there was
Chili con carne with cornbread to consume
And a blueberry muffin for daughter. Life,
Like Bob Frost swore it would, went on.
Hands itched to check the news again.
Eyes wandered to the plate glass storefront
To watch a clouds' parliament over the lake.
I would hold my breath, thought self, if
It weren't that the act would decide the race
In body's favor and against me. Let the world
Win. No shame watching from a rocky shore
Of an inland lake with the other villagers
As the missiles streaked through the sky.
Embarrassment belongs to the individual.
No one will apologize at the Apocalypse.
Time to pay the tab and tip, then carry on.

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