Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Kaslo, British Columbia, 16 May 2017

It rained on the Ghost Highway, going out
And coming back. In between, the sun shone
For a few hours on Kaslo. No bears this time.
No deer, even. A beaver grooming its lodge.
Let's not say anything about this. Let's just
Compose ourselves around the little
That happened. A visit to a store. A visit
To another store. Lunch at a familiar cafe.
Daughter asked why the steamboat stayed
At dock permanently and didn't carry
Passengers across the lake anymore. Self
Thought it would be nice to have a boat
Like that for a house. We played at the park.
Daughter had an ice-cream that she savored
All the way home. Nothing that happened
Had any halo of extra significance. That's all.

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