Monday, August 7, 2017

Afternoon Swimming, Slocan Lake, 7 August 2017

Then one day body managed to convene
Self, mind, and awareness together, asking
Them to examine and consider how
They'd become hollowed out as they were.
Was it debts denied, regrets suppressed?
Was it unhealthy habits of body and mind,
The fragmenting memories that frayed self
From awareness? For a few minutes they all
Held it together. Then this is what they said.
A ghost is not a figment of dead imagination.
A real ghost is never entirely dead, only
Lost instead. A ghost is a living body, living
Mind, living awareness and sense of self
That has somehow missed its exit, a guest
In the world of the rest of the living. It's not
Depression or forgetfulness that causes it.
It missed its expiration date by some mistake
And although all the living bits of it remain,
The invisible aspect that was appropriate
To it, the timeliness of it, begins to drain
Away from it. Not necessarily even sick
In the body or in the head, only probably so,
A ghost is an organism meant to be dead.
Body shrugged and scattered the fools,
Because body was all about living for as long
As body could. Still, that was what they said.

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