Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Gros Morne, Newfoundland, 22 August 2017

Sat on a bench on the boardwalk overlook
Just north of Cow Head in Shallow Bay,
My eyes closed, face tilted to the sun
Waiting for the day to dim. This far
From the band of total eclipse, most folks
Went about other business unawares.
One family flew a kite. Another taste-tested
The cold sea water. "Tastes really salty!"
"I'm going in." Elderly couples on vacation
Strolled the shore in pairs. "The tide is out."
We're not really sharing information are we?
Most times when we use our words, we are
Touching base, getting comfort, sharing
The little germs of language unintentionally,
Like the couple holding hands. The light
Shifts, not so much dimming as weirding.
Four young adults, infected with the news
That this is it, this is as weird as it gets
At this latitude, this occasion, join me
On the overlook, armed with their special
Eclipse-watching glasses, murmuring,
English tourists who had hoped for a bit more.

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