Tuesday, November 21, 2017

I'm Not Aiming to Start Preaching, 19 November 2017

I'm going to say it baffles it me.
I'm not coming down on one side
Or the other, but given the cruelty,

The infinite, infinitely inventive
Cruelty humans visit daily on each other,
The small kindnesses fascinate me,

Beguile me, especially among the down
And all but out. I've seen recidivists
In holding cells offer help to frightened souls,

Seen those who not hours ago committed crimes,
Albeit mostly minor, help someone confused
Call bail. I've seen the unsuccessful suicides

Like myself, penned up and medicated
For anxiety, voices, insomnia, paranoia,
Denied shoelaces, phones, and pointy pencils,

Tenderly watch each other's backs, hold doors,
Make room for each other at the group table,
Help the panicked one find a nurse.

What is this that brings us to destroy our lives
And then offer a gentle word, to be spinning
With indifference and despair and the urge to be kind?

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