Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The Cry Concerns No One At All, 20 November 2017

"We make a dwelling in the evening air,
In which being together is enough."

I think of lonely Stevens
Now when I reread the poems.
They always seemed wise to me.
To me, they still seem that wise,

But the haunted man behind
The wisdom, the tall lawyer,
Insurance executive,
Caricature of burgher,

The company man who walked
To work each day and voted
Republican, the cartoon
Of someone so unlike me,

The cardboard cut-out backdrop,
The comical enigma
No longer satisfies me.
I think on the feckless tourist,

Drunken and punched in Key West,
The incompetent husband
Who never took a lover,
The father of one daughter.

He tortured reality
And the imagination,
Cranking that hurdy-gurdy

So it groaned. He never sang
Of failure, never confessed,
Never got more personal

Than wondering if he'd lived
A skeleton's life, old man
Asleep in two worlds. It made,

He wrote, so little difference,
At so much more than seventy,
That wisdom came from a fool,

Emerged from his foolishness,
Impatient for the grandeur
We need in so much misery,

Finding it in misery,
That afflatus of ruin.
Now when I reread the poems,

I hear a secret proposed,
An unwritten mystery
Propounded: wisdom's the fool.

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