Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Lessons, 9 January 2018

All day outside the window it threatened weather.
We rehearsed our brains like animal trainers
Trying to get stubborn zebras to waltz,
Old body and young daughter, repeating
The slogans and algorithms necessary
To pass for other than ignorant in our day,
Which has had its own, unique requirements 
Compared to any other human society
Of any other era, although not one population 
Ever went without training in some fashion.
No one human ever escaped the trickery
Required of humans in their given era. Clever
Species to have discovered a way to create
A prison of conspecifics, an ecosystem 
Of the others, huis clos. Oh well, we’ll do,
As we did this afternoon, as best we can.
Body fretted over the essence of multiples
Demonstrated through games with jellybeans
On a bare, polished dining table. Daughter sensed
That this was both enchainment and essential,
Although she managed to master the zero,
Which was something amazing, considering
Nothing was nothing for most generations
Ever rehearsed hard to win at imagination.
She may yet win, thought body, dreaming again.

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