Saturday, January 20, 2018

Snowy Salon, Salt Lake City, 20 January 2018

Here is a penny bent, and here is a penny
Scratched. Here is a penny melted. Zoom
Down to atoms and each one has changed,
But some of the pattern, even in the puddled
Coin, remains the same. Is that it, then?
Is it pattern, relationship that isn’t always
Change? The ship of Theseus, Locke’s sock,
Grandfather’s axe, Kossuth’s pocket knife—
There never was a paradox, never needed
A formal cause, because the only thing
That was ever moment to moment the same,
The only aspect that made for similarity 
Never inhered in any material part, not even
In the merest wave, but dreamed within
The relationships that could be dasselbe.
But no, watching the snow, I know 
That’s not enough. A relationship between
Changed items may be similar but not
Exactly the same. And nothing can ever be
Similar, if nothing is ever exactly the same.
The snow lies white on the open ground
And clings to every twig, which is the same
As saying it lies and clings within my brain.

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