Monday, March 5, 2018

Non-Locality, 5 March 2018

What happens next is intimately related
To what happened last, but what happens
Here has no relation to what happens there,
Not when here and there are far apart
And next and last are intimate. What does this
Tell us? What happens in one half of the box
Is independent of what happens in the other,
At least until you throw gravity in the box,
And then everything inside the box sags
With holography, and spacetime’s no longer
Fundamental. Gravity, author of nothing,
Creator of our ends, reduces dimensions.
Everything in three is secretly coded in two.
That much is physics. The minor metaphysics
Of this confection corkscrewing through you,
This strung-out sequence of spring-loaded
Phrases, would like to suggest a further reduction
To the singular dimension secreted as time,
Secret or not, call it the pointillist principle.
The information needed to encode the world
Is “dramatically compressible” to the fact change
Changes at rates that change at changing rates.

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