Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Then Everyone and He Stopped Breathing, 14 March 2018

We sat at the table, talking about sisters and daughters.
We sat in the yard and talked about partners.
When the shade from the house blocked the sun,
We returned inside and talked about geology,
The names and locations of Utah rock formations.
We shared a travel article on Siccar Point,
The first cliff used to illustrate Deep Time.
After dinner, we retreated to our rooms.
There are more things in this world to talk about
Than there are things we are able to do,
But we do as much as we do because we talk
So much about what we can and can’t yet do.
It was the night that Stephen Hawking died,
Whose maths suggested even black holes seeped
Blackbody radiation, and whose life, extended,
Suggested even death could be defied.

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