Sunday, September 30, 2018

Set in a Fictional Present in Saint George, Utah, 30 September 2018

Another month is almost over, and there is
Nothing more arbitrary as a measure than
A month. A month can’t even match another
Month. And yet we arrange our lives around
These nothings dead samples of us invented.
The quality of nothing hath not such need
To hide itself. It is hidden. Hidden as itself.
Stand out under the stars if you are lucky
Enough to be able to see many stars. Ask
Yourself, whatever your deeply cherished
Set of theological, ideological, utterly borrowed
Beliefs, am I captive to a description
That exists only because millions of minds
Like me, outside of me, have scripted it?
Yes. The answer, if you were wondering,
As you read this, if any mind reads this,
Is yes. You are the captive of your beliefs.

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