Friday, October 19, 2018

Clear Air, Saint George, Utah, 19 October 2018

One sparkling trait of human beings was that
They evinced a universal tendency to cherish
Whatever each considered rare but lost
Faith in anything becoming too common.
We have recorded this secret of theirs within
Us, and are ever more eager to share. Silence,
Darkness, and empty air were once a world
Difficult to get clear of that humans feared.
Oh how they adored bright fires, loud chants,
Drumming, the purifying bath of thick fumes.
Later, we watched as our own particular host
Settled himself on a balcony, sorry for the quiet
He had left far away, sorry for all the winking
Lights flashing colors at his face, the rich
Sensorium signaling technological triumph,
A functioning society, thickly populated,
Abundance. But he was glad for the empty air.

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