Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Mesquite, Nevada, 13 November 2018

The worst mass shooter in U.S. history
Kept a residence here for years. The palms
Tilted in November winds each of those years.
The casinos cried out terrible eurekas.
Could it possibly matter to say so now?
No it couldn’t, nor even then, maybe, not then.
There were corners of this town in the desert
Thriving, as there are corners in every town,
Shadows that never abandon the ground,
Unknown to anyone except the cornered,
Who know only the cornering comes for them.
I, for one, or many or legion, never came here
To gamble, but I brought a lover, a wife, a life,
Variously, when I stopped for gas or a beer.
Who was I? If you knew the answer, you’d tell me.
And if you had passed him by, if I had passed him by,
Could he have echoed any reason why we?

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