Saturday, November 17, 2018

Suo Motu, Saint George, Utah, 17 November 2018

It goes by itself, a kind of radiance, perhaps,
A kind of darkness, if that’s what makes you
Laugh. It goes through you, it goes you, it is
You. You don’t do anything that goes it. You
Go with it, whether you hug the going tightly
To your bosom or just admit, “to hell with it.”
It’s incredible to you, in those moments you
Radiate with wavelengths you’ll never, no,
Never, as you perceive, seeing it as all going
At all, with you or without you, with you and
Without you. Oh god, heavens! How the dark
Heavens fill with their burning, their blinding
Lights. Suo motu. I’ll be up all night, tonight.

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