Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Bigelow Bay, 8 May 2019

Again. The breezes over the lake ruffled
Lines of small waves from the surface, waves
That broke on the pebbles at the edges
Again. The clouds ferried water around,
Gathering it up from the lake in the sun,
Taking the souls of the water to the far shore
Or from the far shore or up toward the sun,
Waves as wings, angels, and similes, then down
Again. The dandelions stood in early yellow,
Weeds that were weedily succeeding again.
A boy followed his older sister over the stones,
With a dog alternately trailing and leading
Again. A swimmer drying in the sun watched
It all while playing with scattered twigs and words
Again, then went and dunked in cold waves
Again. Nothing was ever the same again.

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