Saturday, May 4, 2019

Outside Ely, Nevada, 4 May 2019

Snow Canyon, Red Mountain, Pine Valley,
Desert Mound, Cathedral Gorge, goodbye
Goodbye, goodbye for now. I’ll see you when
This summer’s old or all the stars have fallen
Out to quarrel like old myths and gods again.
For now, I’ve gone and taken all of us with me.
The continent expands again, and we’re off
For home or whatever’s close around the bend,
Gone, gone around the bend again. We send
Our love to the intersections where we spent
So many fine and unproductive winter hours
Pretending that we were the world’s, the world
Was ours. Goodbye to the seasonal creeks,
The walking, rushing wind that never speaks,
The porcelain blues, the peculiar wet sand smells
From stones that were dunes before the dinosaurs,
Relaxing in the wind and floods to dunes again.
We can’t say we’ll miss you, not at first.
We’re headed back north with a terrible thirst
For the terribly deep, clear lake. The secret
Beating in the strong-keeled breast of every bird
That makes a long and regular migration
Knows that there is only, ever one direction
One happy navigation, away, and the rest,
However cyclical, however long or short
The pendulum, is merely divagation.

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