Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Of No Consequence, Lower Galoot, Utah, 14 November 2016

"Find out what a difference one decision can make,"
Begged the flyer from the Sotheby's realtor in the mailbox.
One way to find out is to consider the ultimate decision
Seriously and then to decide against taking it. No way
To know what the alternative would have been like
For everyone else, but anything and everything next for the taker
Amounts to differences made by that one decision, declining nothing,
Whether horrible or delicious. If the decision were preordained
Of course, that's of no consequence. Not that the inconsequential
Is entirely inconsequential, however. Everything and anything goes.
Goes, goes. Sit in the sun one more time or more. Wake up in the dark
One more time or more. Feel deeply ashamed or briefly triumphant.
Be an animal. Feel pangs and hungers one more time or more.
The decision will come back around again or get taken away.
There was that moment balanced on a crumbling slope in the twilight.
What stepped back and walked away then was a difference.

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