Saturday, March 25, 2017

Altar of Sacrifice, Utah, 25 March 2017

It was by restraint of hunger that Hermes
Made himself a god. Can you blame
Young women for wanting a share
Of divinity in their narrow frames?
Divinity or death, it's all the same to life,
Which is hunger, after all, as living
Is hunger served, eventually with the flesh
Of the hungry themselves, and never sated.
To exist and know of one's existence
Without having to feed, that is divine
Even if it's also the antithesis of immortal.
Insatiable life will always come back for more
So why not try to smile and look away
Until it's done consuming you? Not easy
Enough? Of course not. You must become
The main course. Be brave. No, I was never
An advocate for fasting, but I felt I should state
The scapegoat's conditions of escape.

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