Friday, March 3, 2017

Subway Trailhead, Utah, 3 March 2017

What could you need to know of the way
Things were behaving today in this corner
Passage of the constantly dissolving 
Universe? Redundancy, similarity, and
Continuity, like being, living, and knowing,
Like fear, hope, and nostalgia, like emptying
The water under the land, the rivers
That surface on the land, the hot springs
From deep in cool canyons, like wool,
The poor, and chastity, like purity,
Victimhood, and noise, like these
Quick-lidded waves, their wink, and 
This wry face, like the transformation,
The yearning, and the awareness, like
The light on the trail when I began, the light
Left among the canyon shadows just
Passing now, and the light that will burn
My eyes when I turn around to face the low
Sun that will pinion my lumbering return,
Offer a single mystery that trinities, like all
Stories with beginnings, middles, and ends,
Only begin to tent peg. Everything changes
But something stays the same. Not some
Thing. No thing stays the same. Nothing
Stays the same. But there is something
That remains and refuses to be named.
Can you hear the water that I heard
Rushing past the trail, far from the most
Promising portions, always out of reach
For Moses? Leonard Cohen sang hineni
Just before he died because, he said,
We all have an instinct to serve, even if
We don't know what the hell we should be 
Serving. Yes, here I was, reader, unable
To articulate the emergency that might
Rescue someone like you, like you, you,
And you. I loved the sound of the water,
Loved it, but could not follow it through.

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