Sunday, March 12, 2017

Profound Springdale, Utah, 12 March 2017

I didn't want to complain I had wasted
My own body, body's afternoon,
Or daughter's time. The day had been open
And warm for the season and begun
Well enough with a jaunt through Zion
To drop off a hiker on the far side, then
A return along the winding, handsome route
To town for a brunch of waffles and eggs.
Thought we'd stay home for a couple
Of hours, the day being free, and then go
Out again into the physical world but
Somehow the sociocultural kept us
In thrall, in the house, and yet dually lonely.
I didn't want to complain because it could
Have been body's fault much as anyone's
And because it couldn't really matter past
The next few hours to say we had not spent
The last few hours heroically, could it?
On a wicker chair listening to birds sing
For whatever reasons they do, I inhaled
A gust of spring, the pings and rumbles
Of a tourist town almost in full swing,
And worried about daughter glued
To her shows inside. The world will end
But at the last, parents will be concerned
About the quality of their children's lives
Or at least the quality of their children.
A breeze crossed the yard, a table saw
Whined, a dove moaned, and a dog barked.
Unfinished my thought and went back inside.

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