Friday, September 1, 2017

Adela, Slocanada, 1 September 2017

The whole beets, carrots, string beans,
And small potatoes that made up most
Of dinner had been pulled from the garden
That afternoon. The small girls, daughter
And pal, raced up and down the staircase,
Snatched bites, lowered their voices
When told. The creek rustled around
The garden, one continuous chorus.
The couple quietly falling apart, one leaving
For love, the other for dying, kept it quiet
And spoke with the eyes for each other
That only a decade of cohabitation piled
Upon a foundation of reckless abandon
Could understand. The intimacy of the long
Relationship, broken, is as intense as any
Limerent lovers' entangled glances. No one
Else understands them. Blueberry crumble
Served in bowls for desert, four helpings
For the girls huddled over coloring projects,
One and a half for the severed intimates
Who didn't notice their pacifist host slap a fly.

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