Sunday, September 3, 2017

Nearly Full Moon, Slocanada, 3 September 2017

When had I last felt so casually betrayed?
When had I last felt justified to rage? No one
Is justified to rage against another human,
Not even the most exquisitely evil ones; no
One is truly justified in raging against other
Beasts, funguses, or trees. Justification,
However, is not the half of righteousness.
The orthodox as easily, as justifiably
As the heathen rage, and all the orthodoxies
Rage against each other. But I was playing
Kayfabe with such theological distractions.
The truth was much more personal and hurt.
I had been deserted by one eager-to-desert.
I had watched the nearly full moon shine
In the corrugated shimmer of lake, wanting
To swim naked within that chalky glimmering
Against its dusty blackboard background.
I wanted to be able to claim I was a person
And that I alone could choose which persons
I would ever surface to talk to again. I did.

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