Monday, December 11, 2017

Holiday Lights, Salt Lake City, 11 December 2017

Top blinds open a crack, at dawn two lights
Along the gutter, one orange, one blue,
Could be seen still glowing in the cold haze.
An unfair approximation of a man lay in bed
And blinked at the apparition. It was too late
To lead another life, but then it always was,
Even at the moment of birth. So this was it,
The being that was the sum total of being.
There was a time when traveling circuses
Would bring to small towns a sideshow tent
That featured something amazing, electric
Lights. Rubes would enter the darkened tent
And gasp in awe when the day turned on.
It wasn’t long, of course, before all that was done,
Once every farmhouse kitchen and bath
Had a little sun. Then more light and more.
The bulbs themselves are changing now.
We adapted to our inventions. Our inventions
Adapted themselves. One morning we will
Wake up and say, this is the only life there is,
This is the only life we know, under our endless
Haze, embraced in our permanent glow.

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