Thursday, December 28, 2017

The More Things Stay the Change, 28 December 2017

It was the nature of the frog to be compliant
That doomed the pair, not the failure
Of the scorpion to sheath its tail. I had been
This frog on more than one occasion
And was saved the first few times merely
By the fact that it was not a scorpion I bore.
So I knew that I could have been stung
And sunk before, but still it was my nature
To swim across open bodies of water
And to show off how useful I could be,
Homely and awkward on land though I was.
Even my whining to the scorpion at the end,
The part of the affair now famously packaged
As dark morality, only showed that I could not
Grasp my own witlessness in being
So easily persuaded to attempt something
As stupid as to carry a rhetorical scorpion
On my soft, fat, vulnerable back into depths
No scorpion could survive. The last comment
Of the scorpion itself was lost to all but me:
“Why did you cruelly agree to carry me
To where you knew my drowning a certainty?”
Now that I’m a ghost, I can see there’s a reason
No one spots frogs ferrying other species,
And the fact that the scorpion ended
As equally unhappily hardly comforts me.

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