Saturday, December 30, 2017

Thumbs Up, 1500 South, Salt Lake City, 30 December 2017

Nothing like a small house party to prove
That human sociality is dangerous, to humans
In particular. Or perhaps the man who lied
By implication, suggesting he was cheerful
And social and capably human himself, maybe
More capable, even, than most, was just
His own threat to his own well-being,
And the rest of the folks were simply being
Folks being nice. Well, wait, all but one. One
Was like him but more obviously, pacing
The room relentlessly, tugging the ends
Of her hair and smiling only to herself.
He watched, or more accurately, he witnessed
Her and her patterns, and he knew that she
Was the only honest soul in attendance,
The one whose frantic, ritualized routines
Came only to show how cold the rest were,
How cold the cheerful human world, and dumb.
She nodded when he saluted her, in the midst
Of other nonsense, with one raised thumb.

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