Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Apple Tree Cafe, Slocanada, 23 May 2018

Discussion goes to the dog. Does he bite?
One woman insists yes. He bared his teeth.
One man insists no, that dog will never bite.
They take it outside, to where the dog waits,
Wriggling on a bench in front of the cafe.
The argument is settled, for the moment,
In favor of the man apparently. It’s a love-in
On the bench, wagging and petting galore.
Inside, it’s too dark to read. The cafe owner
Has drawn all the blinds against the afternoon.
Two men are going over the right steps
For cleaning the cylinders on an antique car.
Daughter nibbles on a cookie in the shadows.
“Take the car apart, right down to the nitty,
And then fix it all the way up. That’s the way
To do it. Keep it all stock. Make it worth it.
A classic is for style and comfort, not for speed.”
They’re going to close soon. The dog is gone.

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