Friday, May 18, 2018

Garden Graces, Slocanada, 18 May 2018

First day back in town. Everything old
Is new again. Everything new, or some of it,
Is aired in light conversation, then folded
Away, now part of the old. What happened
During the long winter, the eight months
Out of contact. Those for whom changing
Is largely a matter of fits and starts in aging
Assess each other. The whole, of course,
Is fresh as it ever was, the old then gone,
The children then the young adults now,
Everyone slid over another space along
The row. No dramatic changes this year
To the trees or the lake. A long winter.
An ordinary spring so far. Deej and Gary
Sing harmonies and play guitar and ukulele
In front of the Garden Graces gift shop
In the gently green-grey afternoon.
They’re celebrating a decade since the shop
First opened. A couple months later, the first
Time you arrived, you had no idea the shop
Was new. It could have been there forever,
As much of the fabric of town as it is now.
Back then, Deej had a sign in the window,
“Runes and a Tune for a Twonie!” She sang
You a song and predicted your future, more
Or less. This is that future, not that it ever was.

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