Monday, May 14, 2018

Sun, Salt Lake City, 14 May 2018

How daring is it to admit illness but not quit,
Not come clean about every bit of risk? Men,
Studies show, die sooner in part for going later
To the doctor. Over large numbers, I’m sure
That’s true enough. But the doctors don’t
Always rescue you, and sometimes, besides
Bankrupting you, they speed you on your way.
Other than the Golden Rule, there’s no principle
More ubiquitous, more ridiculous, than
The Hippocratic Oath. First, do no harm?
One can’t possibly succeed at healing long
If one always starts by taking zero risk
Of doing harm. That approach would mandate,
If anyone actually followed it, doing nothing,
Not intervening in any way at all. I am, then,
Said body, delirious with fever, the only true
Doctor to myself. By admitting weakness
But not seeking anyone to bring an end to it
I have fulfilled the promise. First, I do no harm.

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