Sunday, June 24, 2018

622 Hume, Slocanada, 24 June 2018

What had been a tarpaper and plywood
Shack now looks like a rather pleasant cabin
Covered in cedar siding with window treatments.
Outside there are at least seven raised boxes
Of garden beds with room for a wheelchair
To navigate between them, and a large map
On the south fence to elucidate the plantings.
There is a blue-tarped gazebo constructed
From recycled lumber and a jar of peanuts
For tossing to Spot, the handsome Steller's Jay,
One of a foursome that snatch and cache
And chase the observant squirrel away.
It is brilliantly sunny and all is forgiven of us
And the universe. Spot tilts his head
And chooses where to hide his latest prize,
But there’s no sign of that damned squirrel today.

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