Monday, June 18, 2018

The Precision of Our Presentations, Kaslo, British Columbia, 18 June 2018

The oldest known surviving intact passenger
Stern paddlewheeler in the world blew its horn,
Its mournful, pointless horn. Thirty years on land
As a museum, sixty years since its last passengers,
Six years since the seven year-old girl on deck
First visited it as a toddler, what could it have
To say for itself? Mannequins tended bar, typed
Messages, stood about in the kitchen among
Wax fruit and cakes. One mannequin peered
Out a stateroom window on the saloon deck,
Dressed in only slightly decayed Edwardian finery,
A glossy green jacket buttoned over her ivory
Dress that began at her ankles and ended at her neck.
That wistful mannequin had a mournful expression
Herself, and a damaged tip to her nose. The casque
Of a large, long-dead insect that had once crawled
Over her well-dressed, breathless chest
Hung like a papery pendant from her necklace.

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