Monday, June 4, 2018

Nothing Doing, Slocanada, 4 June 2018

It’s amazingly difficult to live out the conviction
That one’s choices of activities are largely
Irrelevant in the long view. For most people,
Who would never sign on to such a perspective
Even in the abstract, the difficulty is all
In getting oneself to persist at whatever it is
One feels is important and noble, or at least
Acceptable and not embarrassing, to be doing.
Everything has a purpose. God works
In mysterious ways. The Earth must be saved.
Think globally. Act locally. Take out the trash.
Exercise. Donate. Read the scriptures daily.
Don’t pick your nose. Don’t overeat. Above all
Don’t waste, well, whatever it that one defines
As waste. Time. Bread crusts. Vegetable rinds.
The opportunity to be a witness for Christ,
For the forgotten Americans, for the downtrodden.
So much to waste, so many ways to waste it,
So little agreement on what is too important
To waste or not important enough to worry about.
And then there’s this oddball who is convinced
That the choice of actions, of what to waste
Or not to waste, makes little difference to change
Which makes differences all the time, which
Lays waste to everything. Against this peculiar
Conviction, the socialized, enculturated, parasitized
Human chimera fights mightily. So a day
With nothing necessary to do, no one chasing
The wasteful down for ostracism or punishment
Is in fact amazingly difficult to waste. Nothing doing.

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