Friday, December 14, 2018

Machado, Bly, and Carver All Visit Pine Valley, Utah, Together, 14 December 2018

Body was never a boyish body that could leap
Three stairs at a time, that could leap at all, at
Any time. For some dreamy reason, body thought
Of this and of Antonio Machado’s Abel Martin
Lamenting his own quixotic sense of time,
And thus of Iron John Bly’s translation of same,
Bly’s weird obsession with the boy-haunted,
Father-missing grown man, and then, of course,
Carver, finally sober but dying of cancer, writing
Of the consolation of a kind he found in Machado
And Machado’s Abel, which he probably read
In Bly’s en face edition. Body sat in a car seat
Parked in the snow, doors flung open to the cold
Mountain air, forever-moving sedentary soul.
Bly was still alive, somewhere, his own body
Now ninety-two, still avoiding the real katabasis
That comes for girls as well as boys and must
Eventually come for him, too. Carver understood
Better, being more tortured, being fatherless
In Bly’s mythic sense, what Machado’s old Abel 
Meant, addressing his own swift, able-bodied,
Interior young self. Or maybe he didn’t. Body
Listened attentively to the wind picking hymns
Of nothing much out of nothing in the ponderosas.
This wasn’t about the exact content, the semantics,
The thoughts, or even the gender dynamics
Of those three poets, embodied, those men.
No, what was remembering them was the sense
Of mysterious descent from poem to poem,
Like the meltwater stair-stepping down these rocks
In the thin, near-solstice sun. Machado’s composition,
Ghosted by dozens, if not millions, of previous
Voices, including the actual Cervantes. Then Bly
In workmanlike, middle-class American, masculine
English translating those remains. Carver, anguished,
Composing what would only be posthumously 
Published, turf cutting his ell-square pitkin to pull
Machado’s revenants in to talk to him. Body
Was half dozing in the light, however cold,
But all their ghosts came, hungry, to him,
Whispering. We are not the haints of humans,
Left to trouble flesh. We are the translucent seeds
Of new and living microbes in the waters melting
From death to death, the future, the fresh.

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