Saturday, December 15, 2018

Outside the Casinos, Mesquite, Nevada, 15 December 2018

We don’t go in. While we honor the casinos
As temples enshrining idols and several
Underlying laws essential to this cosmos,
We never go in. We can fantasize enough
What it might be like to win, pro and con,
As we stand at a gas pump nearby, watching
Their lights twinkling in wintry desert twilight.
We consider, as numbers roll on the pump,
How tempting it is to make a play, to bandy
A handful of high-value words—immutable,
Unalterable, inevitable. But mutability,
Alteration, and unforeseen coincidences
Are the very underlying laws casinos enshrine.
So deep down under are those principles
Of apparently endless change, uncertainty,
That we would not be surprised to learn
That even the laws themselves might suddenly
Change, diminishing or eliminating all fortune.
But then we would be in another universe,
Not parallel but orthogonal to our own. We
Pivot to hang up the nozzle, get in the car,
And drive home. One evening star glows alone.

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