Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Left in Pine Mountain, Utah, 8 January 2019

I woke in a dark wood, and my first thought
Was not, “I’m lost,” or “Please rescue me.”
My first thought was, “Aren’t dark woods
Trivial and mostly either second-growth or
Groomed tree farms these days?” But I was
Wrong to mock. I was thinking of trees. These
Were not exactly the same as trees. Nothing
Is exactly the same in a cosmos always
Begging, “Trust me. Please.” But that’s not
What I mean. These were things like trees
But, unlike trees, these were things that mean,
That can’t help meaning. The significance
Of them, meaning everything, rose up around,
And it became clear to me in the forested dark,
Stars peeking through the leaves, “Keep wandering.
There’s more to dreams than memories.” Leaves.

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