Thursday, January 3, 2019

Overlook That I Overlooked Before, Saint George, Utah, 3 January 2019

“The beauty of the wild irises, alas,
cannot guard against misfortune.”

Beauty remained unhinged from good or evil
And independent from grace or misfortune.
Humans continued to instruct each other
To be appreciative, to be grateful, to savor,
Even as humans continued to coordinate,
To form faithfully cooperating, loving teams,
The better to compete against other teams
The better to take over the untakeable world.
And beauty remained. The wonder of this
Unlovely world is how lovely this world is.
But beauty was never meant for us. Beauty
Was incapable of being meant before us. 
Meaning and the assignment of meaning, 
The discovery and application of meaning
For all phenomena, was our invention. Being
Grateful or feeling resentful that beauty
Remained a part of our experience, however,
Remained irrelevant. And yet. Beauty remained.

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