Thursday, January 31, 2019

The People of the Waves Cower in the Mountains of Zion, 31 January 2019

Why submit if destruction remains guaranteed?
Between authority and anarchy stands argument,
Resisting and negotiating, insisting only words
Can catch words, only symbols symbols,
Only meanings meanings. The rest is noise,
Whether thundered from on high or rumbling
Up from below. Between heaven and the dragon,
Lightning and the earthquake, the superior force
That targets and the writhing chaos that erupts,
Weave messages, nothing much but messages.
Our sky gods are woven from messages, striking
Our serpentine monsters of uncoiling messages
With wave upon wave of messages, driving down
Leviathan, but never actually finishing the inchoate
Beast of many murmuring tongues that always returns,
Stronger. To this finite arrangement, never ending
In any final victory, resistance by the people
Of the waves, yes, is futile. But why hide, why
Surrender? The tyrant and the demon are both at bay,
Enchained by the complex negotiations of these waves,
Their more extreme exchanges of advantage tempered,
A kind of sustained, rolling victory, knowing neither
Authority nor anarchy can win until the whole
Arrangement ends, the whole ocean drains,
Until Judgment and Armageddon take all
Of divinity and deviltry, of sacred and profane,
Of God and creation out with them, every pattern
Cancelling. Submission and resistance together
At last, the final triumph of all this nothing much
Will be to finally arrive at nonexistence, nothing
Attained or to be attained, the final attainment.

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