Saturday, February 23, 2019

Another Last Night, 23 February 2019

The reader found the book like a bomb
Tightly packaged and mailed. Good reader.
Remember to downgrade simile. It’s not
A bomb or a brick through your window,
Not a barbell tossed over your transom,
Although it’s nearly as heavy as one.
Any literary collection on printed paper,
However heavy, is literally inked symbols
Stamped on pulp. Should you read it?
I doubt you have a working hearth
In which to burn it. I doubt you are the sort
To toss books in the landfill. You might
Recycle, much the most destructive option,
Every symbol atomized and gone. Or,
You might suffer the little symbols to visit
Your mind, to risk that redirection of you,
You and your life, coded, silently, in them.

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