Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Snow-Banked Turnout, Kolob Terrace Road, Utah, 26 February 2019

Near complete silence of even nature’s unnerving.
No birds sing. No deer hooves drum near here.
No wind this morning. No cars or campers
Today on the scenic route. No passenger jets
Within earshot under a nacreous arch of sky.
Nothing is stirring. I can hear it stirring. I can
Feel it stirring in all my bent and broken,
Pinned-together bones. It lingers in between
The tumbling distractions of this manifold world,
Pulling all in, drawing me on, the monster, silence.
I want to hold close, to climb into, to swim in,
Even though I am only a tiny, nosy person
Sitting attentively now in the snow, knowing 
Nothing, tempting as this continuing silence,
Could swallow me whole, will swallow me
Whole. I am listening for nothing. I am whole.

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