Sunday, February 3, 2019

Tapeta, Starlit Mesa, 3 February 2019

These letters provide no material for the storyteller
To work with. Confusion and uncertainty
Seem to be the rule, upon reflection.
The data suggest a dark energy density
Increasing with time. There goes the cosmological
Constant, back in the drawer with the old
Mustache comb. How is this happening?
How does this keep happening? We have
Only intermittent tapeta backing our retinas,
We are predators unique among spiders and cats
In that respect. The eyes of all the rest glow
In any light at night or not. Sometimes we do,
Sometimes we do not. Sometimes we perceive
The shifting waves, the gathering in the dark.
Sometimes we lose our vision, sleep a constant
Background, doze in our equations, return
To our ur myth of eternity. And then, the mysterious
Letters reappear, and when we peer, when we
Try to focus on them, our vision deepens, blurs,
And our wonderfully sensitive new retinas glow
As the darkness accelerates toward us, as we
Accelerate toward the darkness, torches of night.

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