Friday, October 7, 2016

Kassidy Keeps Her Cards in Order, St. George, Utah, 7 October 2016

I had a student in my office who disliked how I shuffle things,
Books and music, quotations, disciplines, bad ideas.
Where I prefer a tarot deck, she prefers a stack of slides
Ready for presentation: (1) Free fall is the natural, unforced state
Of motion. (2) It was all a swoon, from first gasp to last,
A lovely swan dive into life, a pool sometimes empty,
Sometimes full. (3) The self was the story I told,
The story that told itself it was a story that could tell itself.
(4) Coherence could not be confused with sitting still,
Not even when seated and listening to a student
Berate the traffic as it tumbled by outside. Therefore,
She concluded, the fall is not itself falling, falling is self.
I shuffled her tautology, escape made loose I looped.

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