Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Longhorns, Rockville, Utah, 18 October 2016

In the beginning, the day had low entropy.
We organized ourselves and left the house with a docket
Of detailed schedules for a typically busy Tuesday.
School, work, shopping, doctor: the ecology of the middle class
For which we, for now, maintain sufficient camouflage.
We saw the usual tour of domesticates en route to St. George,
The cows, ponies, donkeys, ostriches in their roadside fields and pens,
Although we missed the longhorns usually grazing outside Rockville.
By midafternoon, the doctor had been missed, the shopping had cost double
What we'd budgeted or, at least, anticipated. Work was boring
When it was work and was bullshitting in an office when it wasn't.
Nothing needing doing can't be done sloppily. It's amazing
How the final days of Pompeii were like the other days of Pompeii, right?
I looked for the longhorns again on the road home and imagined
The sight of them was an omen of unlikely good fortune.

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