Saturday, October 8, 2016

World, Web, Zion, 8 October 2016

"I want to share a radius smile" said the caption
Of the widely smiling Moroccan man in the photo he chose
For the website on which volunteers from around the world
But mostly from Europe sought to match up with hosts
Who had tasks and chores, beds, homes, and businesses
In desirably exotic or peaceful places. Cheap, rewarding
Travel that transcended tourism for the largely young
Volunteers, and cheap, rewarding help around the farm,
Hostel, commune, or country home for the hosts.
It felt like compulsive window-shopping to browse the site,
A quick visit to an alternative, happier, more organic, spiritual planet
With prettier pictures than the one on the news, one click removed,
For a visitor like me, always and only a tourist in the actual world.

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