Saturday, April 29, 2017

Kolob Cemetery, Utah, 29 April 2017

Yes, but what does it mean when something
Doesn't mean anything? The water was
Your ghost, lapping at the wheels of the car
When the wind whipped the pond's waves
And the scrub willow on the shoreline looked
Like it might drown, and the rusted clock
Left god knows how long in the grasses
Below the ruined cottage was flecked
With spray, and the weird electric sign was
Busted. All the water's doing and undoing,
The complaints of your restless liquid haint,
These otherwise random incidents of things
That were neither quite distinct, alone, nor
Anything much to do with you, were it not
For that water slipping and hissing, back
And forth, back and forth within the bowl
That only seems to contain what haunts it.
What does it mean that any or all of this
Might, as it likely does, mean nothing?
It has to mean something that some things
Mean nothing. It has to mean something.

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