Friday, April 21, 2017

Lopped Cottonwood, Utah, 21 April 2017

School is almost out for daughter. 
Body knows school is never out, never out
Of new ideas for ways to get the self back in
For a few more whiplash lessonings. 
Daughter reported a dream in the morning.
There was a cat with one eyeball hanging
Under a broken old cottonwood tree.
There were people she knew standing there.
When she screamed about the cat, no one
Moved, but at least no one laughed at her.
She walked up to her father and tapped him,
But her hand passed right through him.
Then the next person and the next. "Worst
Dream ever!" she said. "Everyone was 
An illusion." Body could hear the stress
On that big word. All day, body and daughter
Talked about bodies and their sense of self,
Although to daughter the lesson was that
Solid things, including people, could be 
Phantoms, while for body the lesson was
That the absence within mind was never me. 
It was the insideless. It was the storage room
Of the storage room's dreams. It dreamed,
The worst dreams likely unremembered.

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